Digestive Diseases
Centre of Excellence

Resources for Patients

Welcome to Our IBD Resource Hub 

This page provides links to relevant information for patients on gastrointestinal and liver conditions, digestive health, disease prevention, nutrition and what to expect when undergoing specific medical procedures.

Information provided on these links is for general information only and not intended as medical advice. Readers are encouraged to seek independent medical advice before making any decisions based on the information here.


Research Trials

Stay informed about opportunities to participate in research studies and clinical trials, empowering individuals to contribute to advancing understanding and treatment options for IBD.

Patient Stories & Testimonials

Connect with personal accounts from individuals navigating life with IBD, sharing their experiences, hurdles, and triumphs.

Lifestyle & Wellness

Discover ways to uphold a healthy lifestyle amidst managing IBD, including stress management, exercise routines, and prioritising adequate sleep.

Support Resources

Find solace in support groups, online forums, and coping strategies for the emotional and psychological dimensions of living with IBD.

Diet & Nutrition

Gain insights into dietary choices tailored for IBD, including recommended foods, flare-up management, and the significance of a balanced diet.

Managing Symptoms

Equip yourself with practical strategies for navigating common IBD symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhoea, fatigue, and inflammation. Plus, tips for overall well-being.

Treatment Options

Explore the spectrum of treatments available for managing IBD, spanning medications, lifestyle modifications, dietary considerations, and surgical interventions.

Diagnosis & Testing

Unravel the process of diagnosing IBD, from colonoscopies and endoscopies to blood tests and imaging studies.

Overview of IBD

Discover what inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) entails. Learn about Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, their symptoms, causes, and their impact on the digestive system.

General Gastroenterology


The Gastroenterology Society of Australia have a range of relevant information on gastrointestinal and liver conditions, digestive health, disease prevention, nutrition and what to expect when undergoing specific medical procedures.
